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Sculptrain Dedham

Revive and Thrive: The Sculptra Experience in Dedham, MA

As we age, our skin may lose its elasticity and plumpness due to decreased collagen production. However, there is a solution - Sculptra. This treatment stimulates collagen production, helping to restore your skin's natural radiance and imparting a more youthful and refreshed look. Experience the benefits of Sculptra and unlock your skin's true potential.

Sculptra at Dedham Medical Aesthetics

At Dedham Medical Aesthetics, we understand the importance of achieving your beauty goals, and we're here to assist you in doing just that. Our team is dedicated to offering exceptional services to our clients. We're excited to provide Dedham Sculptra treatment, an innovative solution that addresses a variety of concerns and yields exceptional results. Let us help you achieve the look you desire and feel confident in your own skin.

What is Sculptra?

With Sculptra Dedham is utilizing an FDA-approved injectable Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) treatment which stimulates collagen production in the skin. Collagen is an essential protein that helps maintain the skin's structure and youthfulness.

It works by gradually replenishing lost collagen, resulting in natural-looking volume restoration and a more youthful appearance. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, PLLA’s results can last up to two years, making it a popular choice for long-lasting rejuvenation.

Dedham Sculptra model in a mustard sleeveless top smiling and looking over her shoulder

What can Sculptra do for me?

Offering a myriad of benefits, helping you regain your confidence and youthful allure, a Dedham Sculptra treatment can also:

  • Diminish wrinkles and fine lines
  • Restore lost facial volume
  • Improve skin texture and tone
  • Lift sagging skin
  • Enhance the contours of the face

Additionally, Sculptra is a non-surgical procedure, ensuring a faster recovery and minimal downtime. You can resume your daily activities with little interruption, making it a convenient choice for those with busy schedules.

Am I a candidate for Sculptra?

Sculptra is an excellent option for individuals looking to address signs of aging or volume loss in the face without surgery. Most healthy adults with realistic expectations can be considered candidates for this treatment. However, individuals with severe allergies or a history of keloid formation may not be suitable for PLLA injections. During a consultation, our expert injectors will evaluate your medical history and discuss your aesthetic goals to determine if Sculptra is right for you.

Consultation and Preparation

During your Dedham Sculptra consultation at Dedham Medical Aesthetics, you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and desired outcomes with our staff. They will assess your facial structure and skin condition to create a personalized treatment plan. Before your procedure, it's essential to avoid blood-thinning medications and alcohol and follow any specific instructions provided by our team.


The Sculptra procedure involves a series of injections strategically placed in the treatment areas. To ensure your comfort, a numbing agent or local anesthesia may be applied before the injections. A typical Dedham Sculptra procedure usually takes around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the areas being treated. Many patients find the procedure tolerable, and any discomfort is temporary.

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Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

You may notice some initial swelling after the Dedham Sculptra injections, but this will subside in a few days. The results are not immediately visible, as it takes time for the collagen-building process to take effect. Over the following weeks, you'll observe gradual improvements in your skin's texture and volume.

To maintain your results, it's crucial to follow the post-treatment instructions provided by our office. Avoid excessive sun exposure, extreme temperatures, and facial massages for a few days after the procedure. Regular follow-up treatments may be recommended to optimize and sustain the benefits of Sculptra.

Why choose Dedham Medical Aesthetics?

At Dedham Medical Aesthetics, you are in the hands of an experienced team, and with our expertise and dedication to patient care, you can trust that you'll receive the highest level of service and exceptional results. With our state-of-the-art facility and commitment to the latest techniques with injectables such as Sculptra Dedham area residents and guests alike consider us a premier choice.

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Schedule Your Dedham Sculptra Consultation at Dedham Medical Aesthetics Today

Take the first step towards a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Schedule your consultation at Dedham Medical Aesthetics today. Our team is ready to guide you through the Sculptra treatment process and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Sculptra FAQs

No, Sculptra injections are generally well-tolerated. Patients may experience minor discomfort, but a numbing agent or local anesthesia is applied before the procedure to enhance comfort.

Like any cosmetic procedure, Sculptra injections come with some risks. These may include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and, rarely, the formation of small nodules beneath the skin. However, these side effects are typically mild and resolve on their own.

PLLA provides long-lasting results, but it is not permanent. The effects can last up to two years, and maintenance treatments may be recommended to sustain the results.

Yes, Sculptra can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to enhance the overall results. We will discuss the best treatment plan for your specific needs during your consultation.

The cost of Sculptra can vary based on the individual's treatment plan and the number of sessions required. During your consultation, we will provide you with a personalized quote based on your unique goals and needs.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment with our incredible staff at Dedham Medical Aesthetics. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

414 Washington St, Dedham, MA 02026

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